7 Reasons NOT to Own a Hellcat

Discussion in 'Challenger SRT8 Engine & Performance Modifications' started by SRT-Tom, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. SRT-Tom

    SRT-Tom Well-Known Member Staff Member Super Moderator Article Writer

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    Oct 2, 2011
    southern New Jersey

    The 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat is the most powerful American production car ever and while this car has quickly become the unattainable object of desire for many muscle car lovers, there are 7 good reasons why you really don’t want to own the Hellcat Challenger – which should help make everyone who cannot afford it feel a little better.

    The 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat is one mean looking muscle car and with a new supercharged 6.2L Hemi offering 707 horsepower and 650lb-ft of torque, this new super-Challenger is hard not to love. Even before the specs were announced for the Hellcat Hemi, this new Mopar muscle car had become a mainstay of desktop wallpapers from dorm rooms to the workplace and everything in between.

    Unfortunately, while the Hellcat Challenger is surprisingly affordable for a car of this performance level, the price starting north of $60k makes it an unlikely purchase for most people. Some of those people feel bad about the fact that they cannot afford the most powerful American production car ever, so I put together 7 good reasons why you really don’t want the 707hp Challenger SRT Hellcat.

    7 Reasons Why You Really Don't Want to Own the 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat
    1. It's Expensive – With a price starting at $60,990 for the manual transmission Hellcat Challenger and $61,390 for the automatic transmission, the 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat costs roughly double the price of the average modern muscle car.

    2. It's Terrible in the Snow – Unless you live in an area where there is never any rain, snow or cold weather, the Hellcat Challenger is only going to be a reliable vehicle for half the year at best. The Challenger Hellcat set to the 700+ horsepower mode easily spins the tires at almost any speed on a warm, dry day so driving in the rain is tricky and driving in the snow would be little more than a comically frustrating experience. Even driving on a cold winter day where the roads are completely clear and dry, the simple fact that the tires and surface are so cold would make traction a nightmare. Some muscle cars can comfortably be driven year round – the Hellcat Challenger is not one of them.

    VIDEO: Watch how this famous cross country racer test-drives 2015 Challenger Hellcat.

    3. You Will Spend a Fortune on Tires – the 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat comes with 275-40ZR20 Pirelli P Zero Nero tires all around and while they can be expertly used to get the big Challenger into the low 11s, it is also very, very easy to get the tires spinning. It is blissfully simple to smoke the tires and anyone who buys a Hellcat Challenger will most certainly spend some time roasting the rear tires. In looking up those tires online, I found a price of around $260 per piece – and that doesn’t include the cost of having them installed.

    4. You Will Spend a Bigger Fortune on Gas – Chrysler expects that the 2015 Challenger SRT Hellcat will return around 20 miles per gallon on the highway, but you have to also consider that at wide open throttle, it burns through 1.5 gallons per minute – there is great potential for very poor fuel economy. Now, I would love burning every cent of that fuel cost, but buying, owning and driving the Hellcat every day while flexing its muscles is going to get very expensive in a hurry.

    Hellcat Galleries:
    The 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat in TorRed
    The 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat in Sublime

    5. You Will Spend a Fortune on Insurance – Even if you are an older individual with a spotless driving record, the cost of insurance coverage on the most powerful American production car of all time is going to be very high. As for younger drivers, insuring a muscle car is expensive – insuring the most powerful muscle car ever will likely be astronomical.

    6. Other Muscle Car Owners Will Hate You – Do you have friends who own a Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro or even another Dodge Challenger? If you get the Hellcat Challenger, you wont have those friends anymore, as they will quickly get tired of you stomping them and making them look bad. For the same reason average women hate supermodels – average muscle car owners will hate you when you own a Hellcat Challenger.

    7. It Just Isn't for Everyone – Sadly, while it would be hard for many people to admit, a 707 horsepower street car simply isn’t for everyone. The Hellcat Challenger has so much power that when shifting into 4th gear on a road course at high speed, the back tires still break loose and spin. Starting from a stop and even giving the Hellcat Challenger a gentle jab of the throttle will spin the tires and bring the back end around in a big hurry if not handled correctly. It is easy for someone who has never driven a car like this to assume that they could drive it every day, but the Hellcat simply packs far too much power for the average driver to safely and responsibly handle.

    DON'T MISS: Watch and Listen to the 707hp Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat in Action

    As you can tell, some of these 7 reasons why you wouldn’t want to own a Hellcat Challenger are obvious and other are obviously a joke. In all reality, the 707hp Challenger is a remarkable marvel of modern American engineering so of course every gearhead would love to own one and hopefully my 7 reasons – as absurd as they may be – will help some of you feel better about the fact that you won’t be buying one anytime soon.

    However, we can all dream…
    michael_terrell_ likes this.
  2. dC.mx

    dC.mx Full Access Member

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    Oct 5, 2011
    Whoever wrote that originally should get his fingers snapped :D

    1. Expensive ? Not likely if you have money..

    2. In winter ? There are good tyres meant for snow and also chally has traction control..

    3. Tyres ? You dont have to get em burned if you cant afford new ones which is not likely if you have bought Hellcat :D

    4. Gas ? It's twice as cheap in US than were I live and we just need to live with it..
    And even funnier to drive thirsty car than a ricer..

    5. Insurance ? It cant be that bad.. Here in Fin old bmw 3 series traffic insurance cost 1700usd per year, with basic SRT with all the bonus about a thousand atm.. Dont think hellcat have much higher tho..

    6. Haters ? Doh, with these cars you get friends without invitation :D

    7. For everyone ? Well ofcource not.. Only for the guys and girls who has ducks guts ;)
  3. RT Artie

    RT Artie Member

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    Apr 24, 2015
    Reason #8. Most people couldn't handle the hp. DOA!
    michael_terrell_ likes this.
  4. Dakota21601

    Dakota21601 Member

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    Feb 17, 2015
    Greenwood, IN
    Good friend of mine in his 50's has a hellcat. Spends less than $50 a quarter on insurance for a recreational vehicle. And I am pretty sure anyone buying a Hellcat has ZERO intent on driving it in anything less than sunny weather. Lol. Heck, I want a SRT and it won't be my year round car. Just sunny, no moisture days. But overall, I agree. A used SRT8 for 30k with even 5k in mods/upgrades, whatever seems the better option for me. Still gonna be a 12 sec car or better and less hassle.
    michael_terrell_ likes this.
  5. Shaggy

    Shaggy Well-Known Member Staff Member Administrator

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    Jul 18, 2011
    Ha ha, love the list. It seems they guy was TRYING to make the ones that can't get one feel better. I doubt it worked. :D
    michael_terrell_ likes this.
  6. Sablelieger

    Sablelieger Member

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    Mar 6, 2017
    mrchallenger61 likes this.
  7. raymond5527

    raymond5527 Member

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    Aug 16, 2013
    I wouldn't mind owning an Hellcat, its a beautiful car and a beast. "If you want a Hellcat and if you can afford it get one, hell why not, you only live once". I was 56 years old, when I got my 2011 SRT8 Dodge Challenger, six speed on the floor and all the bells and whistles, expect no stripes and no sunroof. Because the dealers couldn't give me what I wanted, and they wanted to much $$$. I went to a car broker, after three days from the first call to them, they said couldn't fine the one that I wanted, so they asked me if I wouldn't mind if they would special order it? Because they said it would take three month to make, and when I received it, the sticker on the widow said "This vehicle was built especially for RAYMOND5527. I won't trade it for anything. I don't drive it much, but it's all paid for and its mine. Thanks guys.....
  8. IntimidatorRT

    IntimidatorRT Well-Known Member Staff Member Super Moderator

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    Aug 8, 2017
    i don't think they will finance a car for 15 years, my 4 bedroom brick home cost less than a hellcat does, and I financed it for 15 years....so i wont buy a car that cost more than my house does. plus I really don't need one. i don't need to show how big my balls are anymore with Horsepower, been there and done that(when I was way younger), why should I need to show how fast I can go, trying to keep up with the Jone's is way past me now. I have my 2009 RT and it is paid for. so that is one less payment i have to worry about, I enjoy driving my car and thats all that counts.
  9. michael_terrell_

    michael_terrell_ Member

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    Jul 31, 2016
    Lol yea it helps but I still want one and with the price of them dropping can't say I haven't been checking them out. My thing is do I want to give up that bigger hemi 392 not so sure.
  10. IntimidatorRT

    IntimidatorRT Well-Known Member Staff Member Super Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Aug 8, 2017
    when they get to around 40K , I MIGHT consider one. but until then, I am happy with what I got. cause it is paid for.
    michael_terrell_ likes this.