I just had five pieces of the interior hydro-dipped with a woodgrain finish - two power window bezels, the center stack surround, the center console insert and the gage cluster bezel. The older gentleman doing the work has had strokes and I believe the quality of his work has declined. The finish did not come out that great. I do love the look, but am disappointed with the finish. look. .
I wanted to provide additional information about the process based upon some research I did. Many of us have seen the cool videos where wheels are dipped and they look perfect. However, there is some prep that needs to be done. For example the wood burl pattern that was used in my car has transparent areas for the lighter tones. As a result, the parts need to be cleaned and then painted. In my case the parts were painted a light tan. I think this where the fellow messed up. The paint did not adhere very well and had many imperfections. After dipping, the application fluid must be cleaned off and this leaves a dull, flat finish. If you want a glossy finish like I did, it has to be sprayed with a gloss clear coat. My man doing the work, sprayed a clearcoat, and again, the finish left something to be desired. There was cracking and bubbles. I paid the man and took the parts home. I sprayed several layers of clearcoat. I could not find gloss, so I used semi-gloss. I then sanded with 800 or 1000 grit. When it seemed sufficiently smooth, I sprayed with gloss clearcoat that I had on hand.