5-Speed Transmission Adaptives

Discussion in 'Challenger DIY/Tech Info' started by SRT-Tom, Mar 29, 2016.

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  1. SRT-Tom

    SRT-Tom Well-Known Member Staff Member Super Moderator Article Writer

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    Oct 2, 2011
    southern New Jersey
    Those of you who have the older 5-Speed NAG1 Automatic Transmission may find these facts about adaptives interesting:

    The shift point is modified in steps based on the information from the inputs.

    The control module looks at inputs such as:

    1. Vehicle acceleration and deceleration (calculated by the TCM).
    2. Rate of change as well as the position of the throttle pedal (fuel injection information from the PCM).
    3. Lateral acceleration (calculated by the TCM).
    4. Gear change frequency (how often the shift occurs).

    Based on how aggressive the driver is, the TCM moves up the shift so that the present gear is held a little longer before the next upshift. If the driving style is still aggressive, the shift point is modified up to TEN steps.
    If the driving returns to normal, then the shift point modification also returns to the base position.

    This adaptation has no memory.

    The adaptation to driving style is nothing more than a shift point modification meant to assist an aggressive driver. The shift points are adjusted for the moment and return to base position as soon as the inputs are controlled in a more normal manner.